

Ise-Shima National Park
伊勢志摩国立公園 ise-shima-kokuritsu-kôen

Ise-Shima National Park is on the Shima Peninsula in Central Honshû. The main attractions are located in and between the cities of Ise and Toba. Ise is famous for its Shintô shrine Ise-daijingû and Toba for the Mikimoto cultured-pearl industry. Between Ise and Toba is Futamiga-ura beach with two rocks called me-oto-iwa "wedded rocks", which a legend says sheltered the creators of Japan, Izanagi and Izanami.

wir sind umgezogen nach / we have moved to


Me-oto-iwa =
"wedded rocks"

J 227 124

Ise City
Ise-daijingû shrine

D 299 048

Toba City