performing arts


神楽 kagura

The word kagura means "place of the gods" but it is written with characters which mean "music of the gods". Kagura, whether it is performed in the sacred prencints of the Imperial Palace in Tokyo or in some small village shrine, always signifies a musical performance intended as an offering and an entertainment to the ancient gods of Japan.

J 220 260
susano-o no mai = dance of the god of storm Susano-o
kagura / performing arts
J 220 245
hei no mai
ritual preparation of the stage

kagura / performing arts
J 220 273
hachi-ôji no ma = dance of the
eight princes of Susano-o
kagura / performing arts

J 220 268
ebisu-daikoku no mai =
dance of the lucky gods Ebisu and Daikoku
kagura / performing arts
J 220 270
ebisu no mai = dance of Ebisu
kagura / performing arts
J 220 239
kagura ensemble:
drum = taiko,  flutes = yokobue
kagura / performing arts

J 220 258
oni no mai = dance of the wild mountain demon
kagura / performing arts
J 220 253
appearance of goddess Uzume
kagura / performing arts
J 220 255
uzume no mai = dance
of goddess Uzume
kagura / performing arts