festivals & rites


nebuta-matsuri ねぶた祭り
nebuta festival

J 206 395

The original purpose of this lively summer festival held in Aomori prefecture before harvesting was started, was to ward off sleepiness lest it interfered with the work - the spirits of sleep are cast into the river to be carried away to the sea. The main feature of this festival is the huge, (some are 10 m high) , wide nebuta figures striking kabuki poses. The shape of the nebuta is formed by constructing a framework of bamboo and wire; this is then covered in paper, and the design is painted on the paper.

J 206 396
festival´s float - Aomori City  (2)
nebuta-matsuri / festivals
J 206 400
festival´s float - Aomori  (3)
nebuta-matsuri / festivals

J 206 396
festival´s float - Aomori  (4)
nebuta-matsuri / festivals
J 206 400
festival´s float -  Aomori  (5)
nebuta-matsuri / festivals