rice cultivation


period of preparing
(April - May)

D 240 406a

Fast die Hälfte der Iandwirtschaftlichen Fläche werden in Japan für den Nassreisanbau verwendet - schließlich bildet Reis den Grundstock der japanischen Ernährung. Reis wird erst mit Beginn der Regenzeit im Mai/Juni angepflanzt und möglichst vor Einsetzen der Taifune im Herbst geerntet.

D 240 734
farmer ploughing the irrigated field - Ishibe / Tôkaidô
cultivation of rice / customs & traditions

D 240 749
ploughing the irrigated field - Ishibe  (2)
cultivation of rice / customs & traditions

D 240 760
plough in front of a farm - Ishibe
cultivation of rice / customs & traditions

D 240 757
ploughing the irrigated field - Ishibe  (3)
cultivation of rice / customs & traditions

J 201 210
ploughing the dry field  - North Kyôto
cultivation of rice / customs & traditions
J 201 207
farmer with grandson / ploughing the dry field - s.a. work
cultivation of rice / customs & traditions
J 201 261
ploughing the dry field  (4)
cultivation of rice / customs & traditions

J 201 262
ploughing the dry field - Iwakura / Kyôto  (3)
cultivation of rice / customs & traditions
J 201 265
ploughing the irrigated field - Iwakura / Kyôto
cultivation of rice / customs & traditions

J 201 268
elderly / rice farmer portrait - rice farmer portrait - Iwakura / Kyôto
cultivation of rice / customs & traditions
J 201 267
rice farmer portrait - rice farmer portrait - Iwakura / Kyôto
cultivation of rice / customs & traditions

J 201 273
ploughing the irrigated field   (2)
cultivation of rice / customs & traditions
J 201 279
rice farmer working in the irrigated field
cultivation of rice / customs & traditions

D 240 406
ploughing the irrigated field - between Minakuchi + Ishibe
cultivation of rice / customs & traditions
D 240 408
ploughing the irrigated field / tractor - Minakuchi  (2)
cultivation of rice / customs & traditions

D 240 409
ploughing the irrigated field / tractor - Minakuchi  (3)
cultivation of rice / customs & traditions
D 240 411
ploughing the irrigated field / tractor - Minakuchi  (4)
cultivation of rice / customs & traditions

D 240 395
ploughing the irrigated field / tractor - Minakuchi  (5)
cultivation of rice / customs & traditions
D 240 404
ploughing the irrigated field / tractor - Minakuchi  (6)
cultivation of rice / customs & traditions

D 240 399
ploughing the irrigated field / tractor - Minakuchi  (7)
cultivation of rice / customs & traditions
D 240 400
ploughing the irrigated field / tractor - Minakuchi  (8)
cultivation of rice / customs & traditions

D 243 065
ploughing the irrigated field / tractor - s.a. Nissaka / Tôkaidô
cultivation of rice / customs & traditions
D 243 073
ploughing the irrigated field / tractor - Nissaka  (2)
cultivation of rice / customs & traditions